
Professional them


Workshop tailored to the specific needs of a team (group registration for professionals). Additional information to come for this section such as possible themes and modalities You would appreciate a customized workshop based on your team’s needs? Contact me today.

Changement Remarquable

Upcoming training

September training (PDF)

If you wish to be kept informed of the upcoming workshop dates, please contact me.


Formation pour gestionnaires-1

Preventing the negative impacts of psychosocial risks in the workplace.

Scientific data unequivocally demonstrate the negative impacts of psychosocial risks on the physical and mental health of workers (INSPQ). Workload, decision-making autonomy, psychological harassment, information and communication, social support, and recognition are factors that positively or negatively influence workers' mental health. Therefore, it is crucial to take preventive actions to create optimal conditions for the development of positive mental health.
A work environment that promotes the development of psychosocial skills encourages a sense of belonging, collaboration, and self-improvement. What I propose is to explore how to create such conditions in order to make your workplace an inviting and positive environment. Your employees will feel more appreciated, valued, and confident in developing their full potential.

Formation pour gestionnaires-1

Preventing the negative impacts of psychosocial risks in the workplace.

Scientific data unequivocally demonstrate the negative impacts of psychosocial risks on the physical and mental health of workers (INSPQ). Workload, decision-making autonomy, psychological harassment, information and communication, social support, and recognition are factors that positively or negatively influence workers' mental health. Therefore, it is crucial to take preventive actions to create optimal conditions for the development of positive mental health.
A work environment that promotes the development of psychosocial skills encourages a sense of belonging, collaboration, and self-improvement. What I propose is to explore how to create such conditions in order to make your workplace an inviting and positive environment. Your employees will feel more appreciated, valued, and confident in developing their full potential.

Formation pour gestionnaires-1

Preventing the negative impacts of psychosocial risks in the workplace.

Scientific data unequivocally demonstrate the negative impacts of psychosocial risks on the physical and mental health of workers (INSPQ). Workload, decision-making autonomy, psychological harassment, information and communication, social support, and recognition are factors that positively or negatively influence workers' mental health. Therefore, it is crucial to take preventive actions to create optimal conditions for the development of positive mental health.
A work environment that promotes the development of psychosocial skills encourages a sense of belonging, collaboration, and self-improvement. What I propose is to explore how to create such conditions in order to make your workplace an inviting and positive environment. Your employees will feel more appreciated, valued, and confident in developing their full potential.

Some of the proposed objectives include

Formation pour gestionnaires

Each workshop is unique and will be tailored to the needs and reality of your company.
Possible duration: 90 minutes, 120 minutes, 3 hours.
Supervision/coaching sessions are also available.
Rates vary depending on the duration and chosen modalities.


Formation pour gestionnaires-1

Parent Information​

Information to come