I am Stephanie Dubois, social worker by profession and mother of 3 admirable teenagers. It is my pleasure to share with you my passion for supporting people through the lens of the developmental and positive approach.
Although there is still no magic recipe when it comes to educating children, it is possible to develop knowledge and competencies in order to create the best possible conditions to foster the emergence of their potential.
Let me guide you through this journey
You would like to offer your clientele the opportunity to better understand the development of young people and how to support them positively on a day-to-day basis?
Conferences are a great way to provide an overview of several topics referring to the developmental and positive approach.
Each conference is elaborated according to your needs.
Profesionnal supervision
You would like to deepen certain concepts of the approach and/or reflect on a clinical difficulty you are encountering?
You can rely on me to support and guide you in this process.
Why Support?
This was my precise thought in 2017 when I was first introduced to this approach. It was shocking to me that I never learnt about this in school. Therefore, I started to read, go to seminars, and have supervision on the matter. I wanted to be adequately trained to support the youth and families I was working with. In turn, the adults I accompanied kept repeating to me: “Why has no one told me about this before?”, “It should be mandatory to know this before having children!” or “It helps me to understand my story and to see that my parents did the best they could with what they had at that time.”
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