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Supporting differently
Whether we call it developmental and positive approach, positive discipline, gentle parenting, or positive education, the goal remains the same: to better understand human development in order to support its flourishing. I offer various forms of support to enable you, on one hand, to acquire new knowledge about human development (child, teenager, adult), and on the other hand, to develop your confidence in your parenting and/or professional skills. Have any more questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me.
"The most precious gift we can give to a child is a positive and realistic image of themselves.
This image doesn't form all at once, but slowly, through experience after experience." »
Haim G. Ginott

The workshops are designed to provide you with knowledge about human development and to acquire greater confidence in your current competencies. You already possess strengths, knowledge, and strategies. What I offer you that is different is to learn how to maximize the use of these strengths and skills by becoming aware of how each gesture, word, and action impact the journey of the people you support.